3420 Manitou Ave Apt 408 Los Angeles, CA 90031


We don’t just fix and maintain furnaces, we also offer the highest quality furnace installation in Los Angeles.

Furnace Installation in Los Angeles

 High energy costs and environmental concerns have brought focus on the topic of high-efficiency heating equipment. Mario’s AC and Heating is a full-service AC and furnace installation company servicing the greater Los Angeles, and surrounding areas. Mario is well trained and prepared to take care of your furnace installation needs. We know how important it is to get the right furnace for your home to keep you and your family warm and enjoy comfort in your everyday life.

Are You Needing A New Furnace?

Many homes in LA have old, inefficient furnaces. Is your home not quite as comfortable as you’d want it? If your home is like the homes of many of your neighbors where you’re feeling drafts and cold spots, or maybe your furnace is 15, 20 or more years old, then it’s clear that your current heating system is now obsolete compared to today standards. This means you’re losing a lot of money to a heating system that’s not even heating your home or are at least doing so in a very costly and inefficient way. 

If your furnace has become increasingly noisy, it will need repairs more often. Is it spewing dust and creating uneven heating situations in your home? Are your heating bills steadily rising with no change in your household behavior? it’s time to consider a furnace replacement. Don’t wait for it to quit before upgrading to a modern and efficient alternative.

As your local heating and cooling expert, we give the highest level of quality in our products and our services. We offer many options of furnace systems designed to choose from, which deliver reliable and money efficient warmth, including systems with 95% or greater AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) ratings, while many units only have an AFUE of around 78%. An AFUE rating is a measure of thermal efficiency; the higher the rating, the more energy efficient the system is and will help you lower your energy bill costs.

What is a Furnace’s Function and Why Do You Need One?

Furnaces are activated by a thermostat the moment it detects a drop in room temperature below the comfort level that has been set (a more efficient heating system compared to old models which consume needless energy and continually cycle on and off). The thermostat will then send a low-voltage electrical signal to a relay within the furnace, this will signal to open a valve which allows natural gas to move straight to the furnace burners and turning the blower on. The burners are lit using a pilot or electronic ignition light inside the furnace, this creates heat within the furnace’s heat exchanger, a metal chamber where air circulates.

Once the air is warm, it’s pushed through a hot-air plenum before it goes out through the ducts into the room. Gases that are generated during combustion are then moved through the chimney in the roof, although high-efficiency furnaces can vent these gases through the wall.

Furnaces allow your home to have a pleasant level of comfort on a temperature aspect during cold winter months. Strong temperature changes affect our overall well-being and health and this brings relevancy to knowing how your furnace works and when and why you need to change it, repair it or get a new one.

As you might expecting, there are different types of furnaces to choose from, they are designed to fit different types of homes. You can find any of the following:

  • Single-stage Furnaces, which usually have a single “on” or “off” operation stage. Because these furnaces normally run at maximum velocity, they can be noisy. With that in mind, they’re among the most affordable units on the market.
  • Two-stage Furnaces operate either at full speed or half speed, which makes allows them to be more variable than the single-stage models. This allows the system to operate more quietly, all the while being able to get the house rooms to the proper temperature more easily.
  • Modulating Furnaces can constantly regulate the amount of heat being released, along with the velocity of the air that passes through. Naturally, this results in reduced energy costs.


Why Choose Mario's AC and Heating For Your New Furnace Installation:

Because we look good! (Ha!) All jokes aside when you hire us you’ll:

  1. Start saving money on future energy bills.
  2. Recieve guidance on which is the better model and why when selecting and upgrade on your current heating system.
  3. Increase your home’s environmental friendliness – high efficiency means less pollution and that’s always good for the planet.
  4. Increase home safety with new combustion equipment.
  5. You deserve comfort and feel warm at home.
  6. Peace and quiet – Your new furnace won’t remind you it’s there by shaking like your old one.

If your old furnace has stopped working or even if you feel that your furnace is not running at high efficiency, Give us a Call.

Contact us for furnace installation, maintenance, and repair